21 January 2011

7 Quick Takes, Breakfast Edition

When I post of 7 Quick Takes, I do so under my "family and spiritual life" blog.  But about a month ago, I really, really wanted to start another blog about a passion and adventure of mine, making breakfast.  It is a lot of fun for me, so I thought I would share this blog with Jennifer's readers this week.

I have found it interesting that for over a year now, I have been pouring out my heart, my deepest thoughts and musings in my other blog, and then here I just whip out a little snippet every morning on the new one, and am contacted by people a lot!  It's neat, and I think it points to a truth: food in a uniter.  Sharing meals with others will bring us closer together than anything.

We are having oatmeal again for breakfast this morning, per Cool Guy's request last night.  I think it is neat the way the boys always wondering about breakfast the night before.  They really do look forward to it, much more than they look forward to lunch or dinner.

Since it is a snow day today, we will be having the steel-cut oats, which I prefer but which also take longer.  I am going to try my friend Jessi's idea of stirring in Nutella and sliced bananas in mine, rather than my usual topping.  I think it will be pretty good.  Boys, of course, will remain conservative.

Before starting this breakfast blog, I had no idea I was such a lousy photographer.  I try, really.  I've even looked online on tips for better food photography.  I think part of the reason is my lack of expertise, and part of the reason is that I'm not a patient, detaily person.  So, there always seems to be a stray item, like a school lunch menu or a piece of junk mail, or the timer, intruding in the picture frame, and I JUST DIDN'T SEE IT WHEN I SNAPPED THE PHOTO.  So, you want to see beautiful food photos?  Go to some other blog.  You want to read about breakfast and know that this time yours can look better than the picture, you're at the right place.

Why breakfast?  You can read The Story, but in brief, I have found that my boys and I are noticeably happier and healthier when we regularly have a good, complete breakfast.  After doing a loop of eggs, sausage, pancakes, oatmeal for about a year, I thought I'd explore a little, push my definition of breakfast food a little, explore other ideas of breakfast.  I found a whole world out there in breakfast food that is just itching to be discovered.  It keeps me from getting bored, and it keeps the boys on their toes.

Favorite breakfast of all time (or at least for today)
Cool Guy: oatmeal
Encyclopedia: bacon
Me: Hopple Popple
Burt: breakfast meat-eggs-toast plate of any kind.

What is your favorite breakfast?  I'd love to know!

You can find more 7 Quick Takes at Jennifer's site, most probably of greater significance than my breakfast blog.  (But it's fun.)

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